We were pleasantly suprised bila kita tengok menu dia - sebab extensive jugak la, not just mee goreng, mee sup, mee kari - mcm Laksa Shack atau Lemongrass Cafe. Noodle Station has a lot of noodle varieties to choose from - sampai tak reti nak bezakan dari satu item ke satu item yang lain. Everything looks, and reads good. Finally, Mummy chose the Springy Noodle in Tomyam Seafood, Wen chose the Springy Noodle with Crabstick and Fishball, while Daddy (tak ikut konsep) pilih Tomyam Fried Rice with Prawns.

Lagi satu, menu beverage dia pun very extensive, memang banyak choice. From smoothies, ice-blended, coffee, tea, shakes, fruit cocktails, fresh juices and to the ordinary drinks, memang kalah menu kedai mamak. Daddy ordered Iced Teh Tarik Hazelnut, Mummy drank I Love You Lemonade (Curacao with Lemonade), Wen minum Pink Guava Lemonade and the kids shared Strawberry Milkshake. Semua air ni sedap and refreshing.

The meals pula - springy noodles dia sedap dan cara masaknya kena dengan taste buds kami, rencahnya cukup - tak pedas sangat, tak masin, tak masam. Nasi goreng Daddy pun okay cuma kurang isi dan prawns. We do recommend this outlet for some fast, healthy and tasty noodle selection. Do take time to examine their extensive noodle and beverage menu - pilih mee dan air yang sesuai supaya berbaloi dengan selera anda!